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28 4.4 Landforms of Coastal Deposition
Some coastal areas are dominated by erosion, an example being the Pacific coast of North America, while others are dominated by deposition, examples being the Atlantic and Caribbean coasts of the United States. But on almost all coasts, both deposition and erosion are happening to varying degrees most of the time, although in different places. On deposition-dominant coasts, the coastal sediments are still being eroded from some areas and deposited in others.
On coasts that are dominated by depositional processes, most of the sediment being deposited typically comes from large rivers. Much of the sediment is immediately deposited at the mouth of the river, creating large fan-shaped deltas. An obvious example is where the Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico at New Orleans; another is the Yellow (Huang He) River in China (Figure 4.4.1).
Figure 4.4.1 The Yellow River delta in China, created by one of the most sediment-laden rivers on Earth (NASA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons).
The evolution of sandy depositional features on sea coasts is primarily influenced by waves and currents, especially longshore currents. As sediment is transported along a shore, either it is deposited on beaches, or it creates other depositional features. A spit, for example is an elongated sandy deposit that extends out into open water in the direction of a longshore current (Figure 4.4.2).
Figure 4.4.2 Farewell Spit, on the northern shore of New Zealand’s South Island (By NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team (NASA’s Earth Observatory) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons).
A spit that extends across a bay to the extent of closing, or almost closing it off, is known as a baymouth bar (Figure 4.4.3). Most bays have streams flowing into them, and since this water has to get out, it is rare that a baymouth bar will completely close the entrance to a bay.
Figure 4.4.3 Left: Illustration of a baymouth bar and tombolo (Steven Earle, “Physical Geology”). Right: A baymouth bar at the mouth of the Klamath River in northern California (Linda Tanner, https://www.flickr.com/photos/goingslo/5827465324, Creative Commons CC-BY 2.0).
Tombolos are common where islands are abundant, and they typically form where there is a wave shadow behind a nearshore island (Figure 4.4.4). This becomes an area with reduced energy, and so the longshore current slows and sediments accumulate. Eventually enough sediments accumulate to connect the island to the mainland with a tombolo (Figure 4.4.5).
Figure 4.4.4 Formation of a tombolo. In the wind shadow of an island, there is little wave action, so the sediment moved by longshore transport gets deposited, eventually linking the island to the mainland (Steven Earle, “Physical Geology”).Figure 4.4.5 A stack (with a wave-cut platform) connected to the mainland by a tombolo, Leboeuf Bay, Gabriola Island, British Columbia (Steven Earle, “Physical Geology”).
In areas where coastal sediments are abundant and coastal relief is low (because there has been little or no recent coastal uplift), it is common for barrier islands to form (Figure 4.4.6). Barrier islands are elongated islands composed of sand that form offshore from the mainland, potentially reaching several kilometers wide and hundreds of kilometers long. They are common along the U.S. Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida, and along the U.S. Atlantic Coast from Florida to Massachusetts. The islands often form as the result of sediment moving offshore through river discharge, while wave action works to push the sediment back towards the shore. The resulting sediment buildup is then stretched into long barrier islands by longshore transport.
Figure 4.4.6 Assateague Island on the Maryland coast, U.S. This barrier island is about 60 km long and only 1 km to 2 km wide. The open Atlantic Ocean is to the right and the lagoon is to the left. This part of Assateague Island has recently been eroded by a tropical storm, which pushed massive amounts of sand into the lagoon. (http://soundwaves.usgs.gov/2014/04/images/DelmarvaAssateague_aerial_ViewCV.jpg).
Mature barrier islands contain a number of ecological zones. Beginning on the ocean side of the island there is a beach, consisting of the zones we discussed in section 4.1. Behind the beach lie dunes that are built up by sand transported by wind. The ocean side of the dunes are home to grasses and other plants which help stabilize the sand from erosion, and also help slow down the wind to allow sand to settle and accumulate. Beyond the dunes lies a more heavily vegetated barrier flat, covered by larger shrubs and trees that are tolerant to the high winds and salty conditions. As the land slopes down on the side of the island facing the mainland, the low-lying areas transition into a salt marsh or mud flat habitat, which is protected from wave action, but is influenced by tidal changes. The mud flats are colonized by grasses, which slow down the movement of water and lead to increased sediment deposition, building up the land in the marsh. Different species of grasses eventually dominate the different elevations of the salt marsh, depending on their tolerance for submersion in seawater. These salt marshes are very important habitats for many invertebrates, birds, and juvenile fish. Between the island and the mainland lies a lagoon, which usually contains brackish water from the mixing of fresh water runoff from the land and the seawater within a somewhat enclosed space. Barrier islands, although attractive locations for beach houses, are not permanent structures, and people should be wary of building on them. Over time, the erosion on the seaward side of the island, and the expansion of the marsh on the landward side, causes the island to slowly move towards the mainland, eventually closing off the lagoon. Maintaining dune grasses is one way to slow this movement, and as we will see in the next section, people have developed a number of other strategies to try to curtail the natural erosion of beaches.
The lateral line system consists of a line of cells along the side of a fish and often around the head with hair-like elements that project above the skin surface
These hairs act like sonar and are sensitive to low level acoustic vibrations (sound waves) used by water currents of fish or other marine life
It's used in an active way – the fish sets up vibrations in the water and listens for the reflected waves
The sensitivity of the lateral line system increases with depth
The gill membrane assists with gas exchange with the surrounding water
Water taken in through the mouth is expelled through the gill slit and passes over the gills, which extract dissolved oxygen from the water
The gill rakers shown are tiny hairs that extract plankton from the water
Other specialized cells help to maintain osmotic balance
Written by Dr. Cristina Cardona.
Most ocean waves are generated by wind. Wind blowing across the water's surface creates little disturbances called capillary waves, or ripples that start from gentle breezes (Figure 3.2.1). Capillary waves have a rounded crest with a V-shaped trough, and wavelengths less than 1.7 cm. These small ripples give the wind something to "grip" onto to generate larger waves when the wind energy increases, and once the wavelength exceeds 1.7 cm the wave transitions from a capillary wave to a wind wave. As waves are produced, they are opposed by a restoring force that attempts to return the water to its calm, equilibrium condition. The restoring force of the small capillary waves is surface tension, but for larger wind-generated waves gravity becomes the restoring force.
Figure 3.2.1 Small capillary waves or ripples caused by winds blowing over the surface of calm water (By Blue Elf (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons).
As the energy of the wind increases, so does the size, length and speed of the resulting waves. There are three important factors determining how much energy is transferred from wind to waves, and thus how large the waves will get:
Wind speed.
The duration of the wind, or how long the wind blows continuously over the water.
The distance over which the wind blows across the water in the same direction, also known as the fetch.
Increasing any of these factors increases the energy of wind waves, and therefore their size and speed. But there is an upper limit to how large wind-generated waves can get. As wind energy increases, the waves receive more energy and they get both larger and steeper (recall from section 3.1 that wave steepness = height/wavelength). When the wave height exceeds 1/7 of the wavelength, the wave becomes unstable and collapses, forming whitecaps.
The ocean surface represents an irregular mixture of hundreds of waves of different speeds and sizes, all coming from different directions and interacting with each other. A histogram of wave heights within this mixture reveals a bell-shaped curve (Figure 3.2.2). In addition to basic statistics such as mode (most probable), median and mean wave height, wave heights are also reported in other ways. Marine weather forecasts and ship and buoy data often report significant wave height (Hs), which is the mean height of the largest one-third of the waves. Mean wave height is approximately equal to two-thirds of the significant wave height. Finally, there is the minimum height of the highest 10% of waves (the 90th percentile of wave heights), often expressed as H1/10.
Figure 3.2.2 Histogram of typical wave height distribution at sea, showing common statistical measurements (NOAA, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons).
Under strong wind conditions, the ocean surface becomes a chaotic mixture of choppy, whitecapped wind-generated waves. The term sea state describes the size and extent of the wind-generated waves in a particular area. When the waves are at their maximum size for the existing wind speed, duration, and fetch, it is referred to as a fully developed sea. The sea state is often reported on the Beaufort scale, ranging from 0-12, where 0 means calm, windless and waveless conditions, while Beaufort 12 is a hurricane (see box below).
The Beaufort Scale
The Beaufort scale is used to describe the wind and sea state conditions on the ocean. It is an observational scale based on the judgement of the observer, rather than one dictated by accurate measurements of wave height. Beaufort 0 represents calm, flat conditions, while Beaufort 12 represents a hurricane.
(Images by United States National Weather Service (http://www.crh.noaa.gov/mkx/marinefcst.php) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons).
A fully developed sea often occurs under stormy conditions, where high winds create a chaotic, random pattern of waves and whitecaps of varying sizes. The waves will propagate outwards from the center of the storm, powered by the strong winds. However, as the storm subsides and the winds weaken, these irregular seas will sort themselves out into more ordered patterns. Recall that open ocean waves will usually be deep water waves, and their speed will depend on their wavelength (section 3.1). As the waves move away from the storm center, they sort themselves out based on speed, with longer wavelength waves traveling faster than shorter wavelength waves. This means that eventually all of the waves in a particular area will be traveling with the same wavelength, creating regular, long period waves called swell (Figure 3.2.3). We experience swell as the slow up and down or rocking motion we feel on a boat, or with the regular arrival of waves on shore. Swell can travel very long distances without losing much energy, so we can observe large swells arriving at the shore even where there is no local wind; the waves were produced by a storm far offshore, and were sorted into swell as they traveled towards the coast.
Figure 3.2.3 Ocean swell, the regular pattern of waves of equal wavelength (Phillip Capper [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons).
Because swell travels such long distances, eventually swells coming from different directions will run into each other, and when they do they create interference patterns. The interference pattern is created by adding the features of the waves together, and the type of interference that is created depends on how the waves interact with each other (Figure 3.2.4). Constructive interference occurs when the two waves are completely in phase; the crest of one wave lines up exactly with the crest of the other wave, as do the troughs of the two waves. Adding the two crest together creates a crest that is higher than in either of the source waves, and adding the troughs creates a deeper trough than in the original waves. The result of constructive interference is therefore to create waves that are larger than the original source waves. In destructive interference, the waves interact completely out of phase, where the crest of one wave aligns with the trough of the other wave. In this case, the crest and the trough work to cancel each other out, creating a wave that is smaller than either of the source waves. In reality, it is rare to find perfect constructive or destructive interference as displayed in Figure 3.2.4. Most interference by swells at sea is mixed interference, which contains a mix of both constructive and destructive interference. The interacting swells do not have the same wavelength, so some points show constructive interference, and some points show destructive interference, to varying degrees. This results in an irregular pattern of both small and large waves, called surf beat.
It is important to point out that these interference patterns are only temporary disturbances, and do not affect the properties of the source waves. Moving swells interact and create interference where they meet, but each wave continues on unaffected after the swells pass each other.
Figure 3.2.4 Wave interference patterns. In constructive interference the source waves (red) are completely in phase, and when added together produce waves that are larger than the original waves (blue). In destructive interference the source waves are out of phase, so they cancel each other out and produce waves that are smaller than the originals. In mixed interference, constructive and destructive interference occur at various point, creating an irregular wave pattern. (Modified by PW from original version: Haade; vectorization: Wjh31, Quibik (Vecorized from File:Interference of two waves.png) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons).
About half of the waves in the open sea are less than 2 m high, and only 10-15% exceed 6 m. But the ocean can produce some extremely large waves. The largest wind wave reliably measured at sea occurred in the Pacific Ocean in 1935, and was measured by the navy tanker the USS Ramapo. Its crew measured a wave of 34 m or about 112 ft high! Occasionally constructive interference will produce waves that are exceptionally large, even when all of the surrounding waves are of normal height. These random, large waves are called rogue waves (Figure 3.2.5). A rogue wave is usually defined as a wave that is at least twice the size of the significant wave height, which is the average height of the highest one-third of waves in the region. It is not uncommon for rogue waves to reach heights of 20 m or more.
Figure 3.2.5 A rogue wave in the Bay of Biscay, off of the French coast, ca. 1940 (NOAA, [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons).
Rogue waves are particularly common off of the southeast coast of South Africa, a region referred to as the "wild coast." Here, Antarctic storm waves move north into the oncoming Agulhas Current, and the wave energy gets focused over a narrow area, leading to constructive interference. This area may be responsible for sinking more ships than anywhere else on Earth. On average about 100 ships are lost every year across the globe, and many of these losses are probably due to rogue waves.
Waves in the Southern Ocean are generally fairly large (the red areas in Figure 3.2.6) because of the strong winds and the lack of landmasses, which provide the winds with a very long fetch, allowing them to blow unimpeded over the ocean for very long distances. These latitudes have been termed the “Roaring Forties”, “Furious Fifties”, and “Screaming Sixties” due to the high winds.
Figure 3.2.6 Wind speed and wave height data for a 9-day period in 1992. The Southern Ocean is notorious for its high winds and large waves (NASA, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons).
All of the salts and ions that dissolve in seawater contribute to its overall salinity. Salinity of seawater is usually expressed as the grams of salt per kilogram (1000 g) of seawater. On average, about 35 g of salt is present in each 1 kg of seawater, so we say that the average salinity of the ocean salinity is 35 parts per thousand (ppt). Note that 35 ppt is equivalent to 3.5% (parts per hundred). Some sources now use practical salinity units (PSU) to express salinity values, where 1 PSU = 1 ppt. The units are not included, so we can refer simply to a salinity of 35.
Many different substances are dissolved in the ocean, but six ions comprise about 99.4% of all the dissolved ions in seawater. These six major ions are (Table 5.3.1):
Table 5.3.1 The six major ions in seawater
g/kg in seawater
% of ions by weight
Chloride Cl-
Sodium Na+
Sulfate SO42-
Magnesium Mg2+
Calcium Ca2+
Potassium K+
Figure 5.3.1 The relative proportions of ions in seawater. (By derivative work: Tcncv (talk) Sea_salt-e_hg.svg: Hannes Grobe, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany; SVG version by Stefan Majewsky (Sea_salt-e_hg.svg) [CC BY-SA 2.5], via Wikimedia Commons)
Chloride and sodium, the components of table salt (sodium chloride NaCl), make up over 85% of the ions in the ocean, which is why seawater tastes salty (Figure 5.3.1). In addition to the major constituents, there are numerous minor constituents; radionucleotides, organic compounds, metals etc. These minor constituents are found in concentrations of ppm (parts per million) or ppb (parts per billion), unlike the major ions that are far more abundant (ppt) (Table 5.3.2). To put this into perspective, 1 ppm = 1 mg/kg, or the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of sugar dissolved in 14,000 cans of soda. 1 ppb = 1 μg/kg, or the equivalent of 1 teaspoon of a substance dissolved in five Olympic-sized swimming pools! These minor constituents represent numerous substances, but together they make up less than 1% of the ions in the seawater. Some of these may be important as minerals and trace elements vital to living organisms, but they don’t have much impact on the overall salinity. But given the vast size of the oceans, even materials found in trace abundance can represent fairly large reservoirs. For example gold is a trace element in seawater, found in concentrations of parts per trillion, yet if you could extract all of the gold in just one km3 of seawater, it would be worth about $20 million!
Table 5.3.2 Concentrations of some minor elements in seawater
g/kg in seawater
g/kg in seawater
2 x 10-6
2 x 10-7
1 x 10-7
3 x 10-8
6 x 10-5
4 x 10-9
3.2 x 10-6
5 x 10-10
2 x 10-6
6 x 10-19
Because the six major ions in seawater comprise over 99% of the total salinity, changes in abundance of the minor constituents have little effect on overall salinity. Furthermore, the rule of constant proportions states that even though the absolute salinity of ocean water might differ in different places, the relative proportions of the six major ions within that water are always constant. For example, no matter the total salinity of a seawater sample, 55% of the total salinity will be due to chloride, 30% due to sodium, and so on. Since the proportion of these major ions does not change, we call these conservative ions.
Given these constant proportions, in order to calculate total salinity you can simply measure the concentration of just one of the major ions and use that value to calculate the rest. Traditionally chloride has been the ion measured because it is the most abundant, and thus the simplest to measure accurately. Multiplying the concentration of chloride by 1.8 gives the total salinity. For example, looking at Figure 5.3.1, 19.25 g/kg (ppt) chloride x 1.8 = 35 ppt. Today, for rapid measurements of salinity, electrical conductivity is often used rather than determining chloride concentrations (see box below).
Measuring salinity
There are a number of methods available for measuring the salinity of water. The most precise measurements utilize direct chemical analysis of the seawater in a lab setting, but there are a number of ways to get immediate salinity measurements in the field. For a quick estimate of salinity, a hand-held refractometer can be used (right).
Handheld refractometer (Photo by CEphoto, Uwe Aranas / CC-BY-SA-3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)
This instrument measures the degree of bending, or refraction, of light rays as they pass through a fluid. The greater the amount of dissolved salts in the sample, the greater the degree of light refraction. The observer traps a drop of water on the blue screen, and looks through the eyepiece. The dividing line between the blue and white sections of the scale (inset) can be used to read the salinity.
For more accurate measurements, most oceanographers use an instrument that measures electrical conductivity. An electrical current is passed between two electrodes immersed in water, and the higher the salinity, the more readily the current will be conducted (the ions in seawater conduct electrical currents). Conductivity probes are often bundled into an instrument called a CTD, which stands for Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth, which are the most commonly-measured parameters. Modern CTDs can be outfitted with an array of probes measuring parameters like light, turbidity (water clarity), dissolved gases etc. CTDs can be large instruments (below), but small hand-held salinity probes are also widely available.
For large-scale salinity measurements, oceanographers can use satellites, such as the Aquarius satellite, which was able to measure surface salinity differences as small as 0.2 PSU as it mapped the ocean surface every seven days (below).
(NASA, Public Domain)
It is important to be aware that while the rule of constant proportions applies to most of the ocean, there may be certain coastal areas where lots of river discharge may alter these proportions slightly. Furthermore, it is important to remember that the rule of constant proportions only applies to the major ions. The proportions of the minor ions may fluctuate, but remember that they make a very minor contribution to overall salinity. Because the concentrations of the minor ions are not constant, these are referred to as non-conservative ions.
Why are the major ions found in constant proportions? There is constant input of ions from river runoff and other processes, usually in very different proportions from what is found in the ocean. So why don’t the proportions in the oceans change? Most of the ions discharged by rivers have fairly low residence times (see section 5.2) compared to ions in seawater, usually because they are used in biological processes. These low residence times do not allow the ions to accumulate and alter salinity. Also, the mixing time of the world ocean is around 1000 years, which is very short compared to the residence times of the major ions, which may be tens of millions of years long. So during the residence time of a single ion the ocean has mixed numerous times, and the major ions have become evenly distributed throughout the ocean.
Variations in Salinity
Total salinity in the open ocean averages 33-37 ppt, but it can vary significantly in different locations. But since the major ion proportions are constant, the regional salinity differences must be due more to water input and removal rather than the addition or removal of ions. Fresh water input comes through processes like precipitation, runoff from land, and melting ice. Fresh water removal primarily comes from evaporation and freezing (when seawater freezes, the resulting ice is mostly fresh water and the salts are excluded, making the remaining water even saltier). So differences in rates of precipitation, evaporation, river discharge, and ice formation play a significant role in regional salinity variations. For example, the Baltic Sea has a very low surface salinity of around 10 ppt, because it is a mostly enclosed body of water with lots of river input. Conversely, the Red Sea is very salty (around 40 ppt), due to the lack of precipitation and the hot environment which leads to high levels of evaporation.
One of the saltiest large bodies of water on Earth is the Dead Sea, between Israel and Jordan. Salinity in the Dead Sea is around 330 ppt, which is almost ten times saltier than the ocean. This extremely high salinity is a result of the hot, arid conditions in the Middle East that lead to high rates of evaporation. In addition, in the 1950s the flow from the Jordan River was diverted away from the Dead Sea, so there is no longer significant fresh water input. With no input and high evaporation, the water level in the Dead Sea is receding at a rate of about 1 m per year. The high salinity makes the water very dense, which creates buoyant forces that allow people to easily float at the surface. But the high salinity also means that the water is too salty for most living organisms, so only microbes are able to call it home; hence the name the Dead Sea. But as salty as the Dead Sea may be, it is not the saltiest body of water on Earth. That distinction currently belongs to Gaet’ale Pond in Ethiopia, with a salinity of 433 ppt!
Latitudinal Variations
While local conditions are important for determining salinity patterns in any single location, there are some global patterns that bear further investigation. Temperature is highest at the equator, and lowest near the poles, so we would expect higher rates of evaporation, and therefore higher salinity, in equatorial regions (Figure 5.3.2). This is generally the case, but in the figure below salinity right along the equator seems to be a little lower than at slightly higher latitudes. This is because equatorial regions also get a high volume of rain on a regular basis, which dilutes the surface water along the equator. So the higher salinities are found at subtropical, warm latitudes with high evaporation and less precipitation. At the poles there is little evaporation, which, coupled with ice and snow melting, produces a relatively low surface salinity. The image below shows high salinity in the Mediterranean Sea; this is located in a warm region with high evaporation, and the sea is largely isolated from mixing with the rest of the North Atlantic water, leading to high salinity. Lower salinities, such as those around southeast Asia, are the result of precipitation and high volumes of river input.
Figure 5.3.2 Annual mean global sea surface salinity (Data from World Ocean Atlas 2009. By Plumbago - Own work, [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons).
Figure 5.3.3 shows the mean global differences between evaporation and precipitation (evaporation - precipitation). Green colors represent areas where precipitation exceeds evaporation, while brown regions are where evaporation is greater than precipitations. Note the correlation between precipitation, evaporation, and surface salinity as seen in Figure 5.3.2.
Figure 5.3.3 Annual mean global differences in evaporation and precipitation (J.Fasullo. National Center for Atmospheric Research Staff (Eds). "The Climate Data Guide: ERA-Interim: derived components." Retrieved from https://climatedataguide.ucar.edu/climate-data/era-interim-derived-components).
Vertical Variation
In addition to geographical variation in salinity, there are also changes in salinity with depth. As we have seen, most differences in salinity are due to variations in evaporation, precipitation, runoff, and ice cover. All of these process occur at the ocean surface, not at depth, so the most pronounced differences in salinity should be found in surface waters. Salinity in deeper water remains relatively uniform, as it is unaffected by these surface processes. Some representative salinity profiles are shown in Figure 5.3.4. At the surface, the top 200 m or so show relatively uniform salinity in what is called the mixed layer. Winds, waves, and surface currents stir up the surface water, causing a great deal of mixing in this layer and fairly uniform salinity conditions. Below the mixed layer is an area of rapid salinity change over a small change in depth. This zone of rapid change is called the halocline, and it represents a transition between the mixed layer and the deep ocean. Below the halocline, salinity may show little variation down to the seafloor, as this region is far removed from the surface processes that impact salinity. In the figure below, note the low surface salinity at high latitudes, and higher surface salinity at low latitudes as discussed above. Yet despite the surface differences, salinity at depth in both locations may be very similar.
Figure 5.3.4 Salinity profiles from two hypothetical sites in the open ocean, one from high latitude and one from low latitude (PW).
Generally ocean temperatures range from about -2o to 30o C (28-86o F). The warmest water tends to be surface water in low latitude regions, while the surface water at the poles is obviously much colder (Figure 5.6.1). Note that at equivalent latitudes, water on the eastern side of the ocean basins is colder than the water on the western side. This has to do with the pattern of surface currents. Even though surface water can be quite warm, most of the water in the oceans is deeper, colder water, so that the average temperature of the entire ocean is about 4o C, which is roughly the temperature inside your refrigerator.
Figure 5.6.1 Global average annual sea surface temperature (Stephen Earle, "Physical Geology").
A typical temperature profile for open ocean, mid-latitude water is shown in Figure 5.6.2. Water is warmest at the surface, as it is warmed by the sun, and the sun's rays can only penetrate depths less than 1000 m. Since the surface water is warmer it is also less dense than the deep water, so it remains at the surface where it can be warmed even more. Temperature is fairly constant in the upper 100-200 m in what is called the mixed layer. The mixed layer results from surface winds, waves, and currents that mix the upper water and distribute the heat throughout this layer. Below the mixed layer there is a rapid decline in temperature over a fairly narrow increase in depth. This is called the thermocline. Below the thermocline the deep ocean temperature is fairly constant at about 2o C, continuing down to the bottom. There is little temperature change in the deep ocean, as it is far removed from significant heat sources, making it one of the most thermally stable regions on earth. Temperature may fluctuate by less than half a degree per year in the deep ocean (Figure 5.6.3).
Figure 5.6.2 Typical open ocean temperature profile for a mid-latitude region, showing the mixed layer, steep thermocline, and relatively stable temperature at depth (Public domain via Wikimedia Commons).Figure 5.6.3 Temperature profile across the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of Florida to the coast of Africa (inset). There is rapid temperature change near the surface in the thermocline zone, but the deep water temperature is fairly stable (eWOCE, http://www.ewoce.org/gallery/eWOCE_Tables.html#Atlantic).
Temperature profiles vary at different latitudes, as the surface water is warmer near the equator and colder at the poles. In low latitude tropical regions the sea surface is much warmer, leading to a highly pronounced thermocline (Figure 5.6.4). Additionally, there is not much seasonal change in surface temperature in tropical regions, so there is little seasonal change in the profiles. In high latitude (polar) regions, there is little difference between the surface temperature and the deep water temperature, and temperature is fairly constant (and cold) at all depths. Polar waters therefore lack a strong thermocline, and as with tropical water, there is little seasonal change in temperatures. Mid-latitude temperate regions show greater seasonal fluctuations in surface temperature than the poles or the tropics; an 8-15o C difference from summer to winter in temperate zones, compared to only ~2o C in polar and tropical areas. In temperate regions, the surface water is much warmer in the summer and the thermocline is more pronounced compared to the winter months. But in the winter the thermocline is deeper at mid-latitudes than it is in the summer. This is because winter storms churn up the surface water more than occurs in the summer, creating a deeper mixed layer and thus a deeper thermocline (Figure 5.6.5).
Figure 5.6.4 Representative temperature profiles for tropical, mid-latitude, and polar regions (PW).Figure 5.6.5 In temperate regions, the mixed layer is deeper and the thermocline less pronounced in the winter compared to the summer (PW).
Due to the high heat capacity of water, daily fluctuations in ocean temperature are fairly insignificant.
Eutrophication occurs when excess nutrients are introduced into a body of water. This process increases the rate of supply of organic matter in an ecosystem and stimulates aquatic plant growth. At normal levels, these nutrients feed the growth of organisms called cyanobacteria or algae. But with too many nutrients, cyanobacteria grow out of control. Excess algae block the sunlight needed by bottom-dwelling plants and lead to a decrease in oxygen in the water and consequently leads to negative outcomes.
Eutrophication occurs naturally but anthropogenic activities such as industrial effluent and runoff of fertilizers rich in nitrogen and phosphorus contribute heavily to eutrophication events. When supplied with an excess of nutrients, the algae can grow out of control. This event is known as an “algal bloom,” and disrupts the balance of the ecosystem. As described above, the increased growth blocks the availability of sunlight to benthic organisms and other plants and organisms in the photic zone. The overgrowth of algae eventually begins to die off and is broken down by microbes that consume oxygen during the decomposition process. This creates a hypoxic environment and decreases oxygen availability in the water to other organisms.
Some of the negative effects of this excessive algae production, or algal blooms, are:
The production of dangerous toxins that can kill animals and people
The creation of "dead zones" (low oxygen hypoxic zones, or no oxygen anoxic zones) in the ocean
An increase in treatment costs for cleaning water
Harm to industries and communities that rely on the affected watershed
A point source pollution is one that is directly identifiable and can be traced back to a singular distinguishable source. Factories and sewage treatment plants are the most common types of point sources that cause eutrophication. Some factories discharge their waste, called effluent, directly into a water body from sewage pipes. Unregulated discharge of effluent can cause severe damage to human health and the environment. The consequences of unregulated discharge include water pollution, unsafe drinking water, and restricted recreational activities. The sewage dump can deposit nutrients in streams that can be carried out to sea and cause eutrophication events. Symptoms caused by exposure to algal toxins in drinking water can include nausea, vomiting, and throat irritation. When water is consumed in sufficient quantities, the toxins can affect the liver and nervous system. This can also indirectly affect the economy because of the loss of working days due to such health problems.
Non-point source
Non-point source pollution is pollution where the origin is less specified and more diffuse. Non-point source pollution is difficult to remedy as the source cannot be pinpointed. Agricultural runoff is the largest non-point source cause of pollution leading to eutrophication in the Delta. More than 200 million pounds of pesticides are applied to California farms every year which are washed into the delta. Water runoff over landscapes with excess fertilizer can pick up nutrients and carry them out to bodies of water. Urban runoff is also considered a non-point source of pollution affecting eutrophication.
Eutrophication can lead to hypoxia in the water column. Hypoxia event occurs when there is low oxygen level in the water. This incident is a consequence of eutrophication due to an excess of nutrient input (nitrogen and phosphorus) in the water that stimulates the growth of phytoplankton and consequently affects fishes and other organisms. Human activities have increased the rate of eutrophication through point source and non-point discharge of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
As plant and animal biomass increase, species diversity decreases and the affected area will become overpopulated by phytoplankton feeding off the increased algae. This will also change the dominant biota in the region.
Turbidity is the clouding of water due to sediment. It can be caused by excessive phytoplankton, algae growth, urban runoff, or sediments from erosion. These suspended particles, in addition to making the water look dirty, also help promote the toxins in water as heavy metals and toxic organic compounds can attach easily to the suspended sediment. These suspended particles also absorb heat from the sun, making turbid waters warmer. This also reduces the oxygen content in the water, as more oxygen is dissolved in colder waters. The suspended particles also scatter light, decreasing the photosynthetic activity of plants and algae, which results in a positive feedback loop for decreasing oxygen even more. Some biological impacts include: fish eggs and larvae will be covered and suffocated, and gills will become clogged and damaged. Thus, turbidity is a plausible and extremely harmful effect of eutrophication.
Dead Zones
The Black Sea is one of the many dead zones that have been identified. The dead zone resulted from the contaminants from the Danube River which courses from Germany. During the 1960s to 1989, huge input to watersheds from several sources occurred. The nutrient sources are rising fossil fuel use and NOx input from atmospheric sources, intensive fertilizer use in farming practices, sewage input to water systems. This resulted in the loss of fisheries and marine habits disrupted and reduced tourism.
The Gulf of Mexico is essentially a large drain for the network of rivers known as the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin (MARB), which includes major rivers such as the Mississippi and Missouri. MARB passes through 31 states, and agriculture is the dominant industry in several of those states, which is where the overflow of nutrients originates. The eutrophication process in the Gulf of Mexico is cyclical and grows in the summer and shrinks during the winter due to decreased agriculture only to return the following summer. This dead zone along the northern edge of the Gulf stretching along Texas and Louisiana measured 13,080 square kilometers in the summer of 2014, and it is the largest dead zone in the United States
The following image shows current areas around the globe that are hypoxic, eutrophic, or in recovery. This map shows dead zones (red) areas where excess nutrients might allow dead zones to develop (yellow). In some parts of the world, areas that had dead zones are getting better (green).
By Hill et al. (University of California, Davis), used under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 international license. Download this book for free at https://geo.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Oceanography/Book%3A_Oceanography_(Hill)
Phosphorus, Nitrogen, and Other Nutrient Pollution
The nutrients in fertilizer makes plants grow. Whereas using fertilizers may help crop yields (and profits) on land, their unintended release into waterway that lead to the ocean can have devastating impacts in the marine environment. Phosphorus and nitrogen compounds are essential nutrients for plant growth and is naturally occurring in upwelling ocean waters that support primary production. However, too much nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizers used in agriculture and suburban lawn care can stimulate an overgrowth of phytoplankton resulting in a harmful algal bloom (HAB). When the phytoplankton sinks, dies, and decays, it can suck all the free oxygen out of the water, resulting in hypoxia (creating “dead zones” in regions that would otherwise be a marine environment teaming with life). Unwanted nutrients in runoff and groundwater seepage from agricultural and urban areas of the Midcontinent region of the United States is resulting in an ever-expanding dead zone in the coastal waters around the mouth of the Mississippi River in the Gulf of Mexico (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Map of the region near the mouth of the Mississippi River impacted by hypoxia caused by harmful algal blooms caused by nutrient pollution from farms and urban areas inland.
Most ocean waves are generated by wind. Wind blowing across the water's surface creates little disturbances called capillary waves, or ripples that start from gentle breezes (Figure 3.2.1). Capillary waves have a rounded crest with a V-shaped trough, and wavelengths less than 1.7 cm. These small ripples give the wind something to "grip" onto to generate larger waves when the wind energy increases, and once the wavelength exceeds 1.7 cm the wave transitions from a capillary wave to a wind wave. As waves are produced, they are opposed by a restoring force that attempts to return the water to its calm, equilibrium condition. The restoring force of the small capillary waves is surface tension, but for larger wind-generated waves gravity becomes the restoring force.
Figure 3.2.1 Small capillary waves or ripples caused by winds blowing over the surface of calm water (By Blue Elf (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons).
As the energy of the wind increases, so does the size, length and speed of the resulting waves. There are three important factors determining how much energy is transferred from wind to waves, and thus how large the waves will get:
Wind speed.
The duration of the wind, or how long the wind blows continuously over the water.
The distance over which the wind blows across the water in the same direction, also known as the fetch.
Increasing any of these factors increases the energy of wind waves, and therefore their size and speed. But there is an upper limit to how large wind-generated waves can get. As wind energy increases, the waves receive more energy and they get both larger and steeper (recall from section 3.1 that wave steepness = height/wavelength). When the wave height exceeds 1/7 of the wavelength, the wave becomes unstable and collapses, forming whitecaps.
The ocean surface represents an irregular mixture of hundreds of waves of different speeds and sizes, all coming from different directions and interacting with each other. A histogram of wave heights within this mixture reveals a bell-shaped curve (Figure 3.2.2). In addition to basic statistics such as mode (most probable), median and mean wave height, wave heights are also reported in other ways. Marine weather forecasts and ship and buoy data often report significant wave height (Hs), which is the mean height of the largest one-third of the waves. Mean wave height is approximately equal to two-thirds of the significant wave height. Finally, there is the minimum height of the highest 10% of waves (the 90th percentile of wave heights), often expressed as H1/10.
Figure 3.2.2 Histogram of typical wave height distribution at sea, showing common statistical measurements (NOAA, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons).
Under strong wind conditions, the ocean surface becomes a chaotic mixture of choppy, whitecapped wind-generated waves. The term sea state describes the size and extent of the wind-generated waves in a particular area. When the waves are at their maximum size for the existing wind speed, duration, and fetch, it is referred to as a fully developed sea. The sea state is often reported on the Beaufort scale, ranging from 0-12, where 0 means calm, windless and waveless conditions, while Beaufort 12 is a hurricane (see box below).
The Beaufort Scale
The Beaufort scale is used to describe the wind and sea state conditions on the ocean. It is an observational scale based on the judgement of the observer, rather than one dictated by accurate measurements of wave height. Beaufort 0 represents calm, flat conditions, while Beaufort 12 represents a hurricane.
(Images by United States National Weather Service (http://www.crh.noaa.gov/mkx/marinefcst.php) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons).
A fully developed sea often occurs under stormy conditions, where high winds create a chaotic, random pattern of waves and whitecaps of varying sizes. The waves will propagate outwards from the center of the storm, powered by the strong winds. However, as the storm subsides and the winds weaken, these irregular seas will sort themselves out into more ordered patterns. Recall that open ocean waves will usually be deep water waves, and their speed will depend on their wavelength (section 3.1). As the waves move away from the storm center, they sort themselves out based on speed, with longer wavelength waves traveling faster than shorter wavelength waves. This means that eventually all of the waves in a particular area will be traveling with the same wavelength, creating regular, long period waves called swell (Figure 3.2.3). We experience swell as the slow up and down or rocking motion we feel on a boat, or with the regular arrival of waves on shore. Swell can travel very long distances without losing much energy, so we can observe large swells arriving at the shore even where there is no local wind; the waves were produced by a storm far offshore, and were sorted into swell as they traveled towards the coast.
Figure 3.2.3 Ocean swell, the regular pattern of waves of equal wavelength (Phillip Capper [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons).
Because swell travels such long distances, eventually swells coming from different directions will run into each other, and when they do they create interference patterns. The interference pattern is created by adding the features of the waves together, and the type of interference that is created depends on how the waves interact with each other (Figure 3.2.4). Constructive interference occurs when the two waves are completely in phase; the crest of one wave lines up exactly with the crest of the other wave, as do the troughs of the two waves. Adding the two crest together creates a crest that is higher than in either of the source waves, and adding the troughs creates a deeper trough than in the original waves. The result of constructive interference is therefore to create waves that are larger than the original source waves. In destructive interference, the waves interact completely out of phase, where the crest of one wave aligns with the trough of the other wave. In this case, the crest and the trough work to cancel each other out, creating a wave that is smaller than either of the source waves. In reality, it is rare to find perfect constructive or destructive interference as displayed in Figure 3.2.4. Most interference by swells at sea is mixed interference, which contains a mix of both constructive and destructive interference. The interacting swells do not have the same wavelength, so some points show constructive interference, and some points show destructive interference, to varying degrees. This results in an irregular pattern of both small and large waves, called surf beat.
It is important to point out that these interference patterns are only temporary disturbances, and do not affect the properties of the source waves. Moving swells interact and create interference where they meet, but each wave continues on unaffected after the swells pass each other.
Figure 3.2.4 Wave interference patterns. In constructive interference the source waves (red) are completely in phase, and when added together produce waves that are larger than the original waves (blue). In destructive interference the source waves are out of phase, so they cancel each other out and produce waves that are smaller than the originals. In mixed interference, constructive and destructive interference occur at various point, creating an irregular wave pattern. (Modified by PW from original version: Haade; vectorization: Wjh31, Quibik (Vecorized from File:Interference of two waves.png) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html)], via Wikimedia Commons).
About half of the waves in the open sea are less than 2 m high, and only 10-15% exceed 6 m. But the ocean can produce some extremely large waves. The largest wind wave reliably measured at sea occurred in the Pacific Ocean in 1935, and was measured by the navy tanker the USS Ramapo. Its crew measured a wave of 34 m or about 112 ft high! Occasionally constructive interference will produce waves that are exceptionally large, even when all of the surrounding waves are of normal height. These random, large waves are called rogue waves (Figure 3.2.5). A rogue wave is usually defined as a wave that is at least twice the size of the significant wave height, which is the average height of the highest one-third of waves in the region. It is not uncommon for rogue waves to reach heights of 20 m or more.
Figure 3.2.5 A rogue wave in the Bay of Biscay, off of the French coast, ca. 1940 (NOAA, [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons).
Rogue waves are particularly common off of the southeast coast of South Africa, a region referred to as the "wild coast." Here, Antarctic storm waves move north into the oncoming Agulhas Current, and the wave energy gets focused over a narrow area, leading to constructive interference. This area may be responsible for sinking more ships than anywhere else on Earth. On average about 100 ships are lost every year across the globe, and many of these losses are probably due to rogue waves.
Waves in the Southern Ocean are generally fairly large (the red areas in Figure 3.2.6) because of the strong winds and the lack of landmasses, which provide the winds with a very long fetch, allowing them to blow unimpeded over the ocean for very long distances. These latitudes have been termed the “Roaring Forties”, “Furious Fifties”, and “Screaming Sixties” due to the high winds.
Figure 3.2.6 Wind speed and wave height data for a 9-day period in 1992. The Southern Ocean is notorious for its high winds and large waves (NASA, Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons).