
9.1 Neurological Introduction

Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN)

Learning Objectives

  • Apply principles of evidence-based practice when using the nursing process
  • Identify the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in caring for the client with nervous system disorders
  • Explain the pathophysiology of nervous system disorders
  • Identify life span considerations of the client
  • Apply principles of client-centered care when considering diversity of the client
  • Apply therapeutic communication in caring for the client with nervous system disorders
  • Integrate pharmacological and nonpharmacological measures for the client with nervous system disorders
  • Interpret common laboratory and diagnostic tests

“Neurological PreTest” by Kellea Ewen and Open RN is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0

The nervous system includes the brain, the spinal cord, and a complex system of nerves in the body. It uses electrical signals and chemical substances for communication across body parts. This chapter will review the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system and then discuss medical care and nursing care for several common nervous system disorders.


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9.1 Neurological Introduction Copyright © by Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.