17.4 Cultural and Social Determinants Related to Medication Administration
Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN)
In addition to the legal and ethical considerations, there are also cultural and social influences that the nurse must consider when administering medication. According to the 2018 U.S. Census report, by the year 2030, the nation’s population is projected to age considerably and become even more racially and ethnically diverse. Though health indicators such as life expectancy and infant mortality have improved for most Americans, some people from racial and ethnic minority groups experience a disproportionate burden of preventable disease, death, and disability compared with non-Hispanic white people.[1]
The American Nurses Association’s (ANA) Scope and Standards of Practice states the need for health care is universal and transcends differences with respect to the culture, values, and preferences of individuals, families, groups, and communities. Diversity characterizes today’s health care environment, and nursing is responsive to the changing needs of society. To effectively promote meaningful client outcomes that maximize quality of life across the life span, the ANA states that nurses must engage in cultural humility. Cultural humility is a humble and respectful attitude toward individuals of other cultures that pushes one to challenge their own cultural biases, realize they can’t possibly know everything about other cultures, and approach learning about other cultures as a lifelong goal and process.[2] As previously discussed in this chapter, culturally congruent practice is the application of evidence-based nursing that is in agreement with the preferred cultural values, beliefs, worldview, and practices of the health care client.
In addition to cultural beliefs, conditions in the places where people live, learn, work, and play can also affect their health, functioning, quality of life, and risks. These conditions are known as social determinants of health (SDOH). Differences in health can be significant in communities with poor SDOH such as unstable housing, low incomes, unsafe neighborhoods, or substandard education. These differences are referred to as health disparities. By applying what we know about SDOH, nurses can not only improve an individual’s health, but also improve health equity for communities and the population as a whole.
Healthy People is a government agency that provides science-based, ten-year national objectives for improving the health of all Americans. Healthy People 2030 highlights the importance of addressing SDOH with a goal to “create social, physical, and economic environments that promote attaining the full potential for health and well-being for all.”[3],[4]
Read additional information about Social Determinants of Health on the Healthy People 2030 website.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services also sets national standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) in health and health care. The national CLAS standards are intended to advance health equity, improve quality, and help eliminate health disparities by “providing effective, equitable, understandable, and respectful quality care and services that are responsive to diverse cultural health beliefs and practices, preferred languages, health literacy, and other communication needs.”[5]
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) defines health literacy as “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information needed to make appropriate health decisions.” Adequate health literacy may include being able to read and comprehend essential health-related materials such as information on a medication bottle or in a handout. Nurses promote health literacy by including interventions such as visual aids to increase client understanding and, thereby, improve client safety.[6]
View the National CLAS Standards PDF.
Examples of Culturally Congruent Practice Related to Medication Therapy
There are several instances when a nurse must assess and accommodate a client’s cultural beliefs and social determinants of health when administering medications or teaching about medications. For example, a nurse addresses health literacy and medication safety by assisting a client to read information on a medication bottle or on a handout.
Another example of culturally congruent practice is when a nurse considers cultural or religious beliefs, such as fasting, when administering medications. For example, a Muslim client may participate in Ramadan, which requires 12-hour fasting. A nurse can advocate for the client and assist in altering the scheduling of medication to accommodate the client’s beliefs in order to reduce the risk of treatment failure.
Read more about medication intake during Ramadan.[7]
A third example of culturally congruent practice is when a nurse considers how a client’s ethnic background may affect their ability to respond to medications. For example, African Americans often require combination therapy to treat hypertension, and Asian and Hispanic clients often respond better to lower doses of antidepressants.
View a free module from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: Culturally Competent Nursing Care: A Cornerstone of Caring.
Critical Thinking Activity 2.4
A nurse is providing health teaching to a mother regarding a liquid antibiotic prescribed for her child to take at home. The prescription states amoxicillin 250 mg, give 1 teaspoon (5 mL) every eight hours for seven days. After talking with the mother, the nurse realizes the family does not have measuring spoons in their home.
What is the nurse’s best response?
Note: Answers to the Critical Thinking activities can be found in the “Answer Key” section at the end of the book.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2023). Minority health and health equity. https://www.cdc.gov/minorityhealth/index.html ↵
- American Nurses Association. (2021). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (4th ed.). American Nurses Association. ↵
- Social Determinants of Health: Know What Affects Health by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is available in the Public Domain. ↵
- Social Determinants of Health by Healthy People 2030 is available in the Public Domain. ↵
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health. (n.d.). National standards for culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) in health and health care. https://thinkculturalhealth.hhs.gov/assets/pdfs/EnhancedNationalCLASStandards.pdf ↵
- Health Literacy by Health People 2030 is available in the Public Domain. ↵
- Aadil, N., Houti, I. E., & Moussamih, S. (2004). Drug intake during Ramadan. BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.), 329, 778–782. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.329.7469.778 ↵
Constipation is defined by NANDA-I as, “A decrease in normal frequency of defecation accompanied by difficult or incomplete passage of stool and/or passage of excessively hard, dry stool.”[1] Typically a client is diagnosed with constipation if they have less than three bowel movements per week. Constipation can be caused by slowed peristalsis due to decreased activity, dehydration, lack of fiber, medications such as opioids, depression, or surgical procedures in the abdominal area. As the stool moves slowly through the large intestine, additional water is reabsorbed, resulting in the stool becoming hard, dry, and difficult to move through the lower intestines. See Figure 16.6[2] for the Bristol Stool Chart used to assess the characteristics of stools, ranging from constipation to diarrhea.

The client may experience associated symptoms such as rectal pressure, abdominal cramps, bloating, distension, and straining. Fecal impaction can occur when stool accumulates in the rectum, usually due to the client not feeling the presence of stool or not using the toilet when the urge is felt. Fecal impact has hallmark signs of seepage of liquid stool from the anus. It is important to not confuse this seepage with diarrhea. Large balls of hard stool are treated with mineral oil enemas or digital removal (i.e., with a lubricated, gloved finger that can be painful for the client.)
The goal of interventions implemented to treat constipation is to establish what is considered a normal bowel pattern for each client and to set an expected outcome of a bowel movement at least every 72 hours regardless of intake. Treatment typically includes a prescribed daily bowel regimen, such as oral stool softeners (e.g., docusate) and a mild stimulant laxative (e.g., sennosides). Stronger laxatives (e.g., Milk of Magnesia or bisacodyl), rectal suppositories, or enemas are implemented when oral medications are not effective.
Clients should be educated about the importance of increased fluids, increased dietary fiber, and increased activity to prevent constipation. Some food sources, such as prune juice, prunes, and apricots, are helpful in preventing constipation. Over-the-counter medication, such as methylcellulose or psyllium, can be used to increase dietary fiber. When administering these medications, mix in a full eight-ounce glass of water to avoid the development of an intestinal obstruction.
Read more about laxatives used to treat constipation in the “Gastrointestinal” chapter in Open RN Nursing Pharmacology, 2e.
Intestinal Obstruction or Paralytic Ileus
Intestinal obstruction is a partial or complete blockage of the intestines so that contents of the intestine cannot pass through it. It can be caused by paralytic ileus, a condition where peristalsis is not propelling the contents through the intestines, or by a mechanical cause, such as fecal impaction. Clients who have undergone abdominal surgery or received general anesthesia are at increased risk for paralytic ileus. Other risk factors include the chronic use of opioids, electrolyte imbalances, bacterial or viral infections of the intestines, decreased blood flow to the intestines, or kidney or liver disease. If an obstruction blocks the blood supply to the intestine, it can cause infection and tissue death (gangrene).[3]
Symptoms of an intestinal obstruction or paralytic ileus include abdominal distention or a feeling of fullness, abdominal pain or cramping, inability to pass gas, vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea. Bowel sounds must be assessed for abnormal findings. It can be difficult to accurately interpret changes in bowel sounds, so any change in bowel sounds accompanied with other symptoms should be reported to the health care provider. Early intestinal obstruction can present with high-pitched "tinkling" sounds. Hypoactive bowel sounds can indicate constipation and may occur after abdominal surgery, anesthesia, or with use of opioid medications. Absent bowel sounds can indicate an ileus or mechanical bowel obstruction.[4] Because of the common occurrence of paralytic ileus in postoperative clients, nurses routinely monitor for these symptoms, and diet orders are not upgraded until the client is able to pass gas.
Treatment includes maintaining strict NPO status and typically includes insertion of an NG tube attached to suction to help relieve abdominal distention and vomiting until peristalsis returns. Obstructions may require surgery if the tube does not relieve the symptoms or if there are signs of tissue death.[5]