Chapter 18 (Administration of Parenteral Medications)

Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN)

Answer Key to Chapter 18 Learning Activities

  1. The optimal size needle would be 23G ⅝ inch with injection into the deltoid muscle. With the limited amount of fat tissue, a ⅝-inch needle will be sufficient for entering the muscular tissue. Additionally, a 23G diameter needle is adequate for aqueous and water-based medications.
  2. The optimal size needle would be 21G 1 1/2inch with injection into the ventrogluteal area. With the excess amount of adipose tissue, the nurse should ensure that the length of the needle would be appropriate to reach the intramuscular route.
  3. A – Injects 5 units of air into the regular insulin vial first and withdraws 5 units of regular insulin

Answers to interactive elements are given within the interactive element.

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Chapter 18 (Administration of Parenteral Medications) Copyright © by Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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