8. Implementing Change

Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN) and Amy Ertwine

Change is constant in the health care environment. Change is defined as the process of altering or replacing existing knowledge, skills, attitudes, systems, policies, or procedures.[1] The outcomes of change must be consistent with an organization’s mission, vision, and values. Although change is a dynamic process that requires alterations in behavior and can cause conflict and resistance, change can also stimulate positive behaviors and attitudes and improve organizational outcomes and employee performance. Change can result from identified problems or from the incorporation of new knowledge, technology, management, or leadership. Problems may be identified from many sources, such as quality improvement initiatives, employee performance evaluations, or accreditation survey results.[2]

Nurse managers must deal with the fears and concerns triggered by change. They should recognize that change may not be easy and may be met with enthusiasm by some and resistance by others. Leaders should identify individuals who will be enthusiastic about the change (referred to as “early adopters”), as well as those who will be resisters (referred to as “laggers”). Early adopters should be involved to build momentum, and the concerns of resisters should be considered to identify barriers. Data should be collected, analyzed, and communicated so the need for change (and its projected consequences) can be clearly articulated. Managers should articulate the reasons for change, the way(s) the change will affect employees, the way(s) the change will benefit the organization, and the desired outcomes of the change process.[3] See Figure 4.5[4] for an illustration of communicating upcoming change.

Image showing words change ahead, with ahead inside an arrow shape
Figure 4.5 Identifying Upcoming Change

Change Theories

There are several change theories that nurse leaders may adopt when implementing change. Two traditional change theories are known as Lewin’s Unfreeze-Change-Refreeze Model and Lippitt’s Seven-Step Change Theory.[5]

Lewin’s Change Model

Kurt Lewin, the father of social psychology, introduced the classic three-step model of change known as Unfreeze-Change-Refreeze Model that requires prior learning to be rejected and replaced. Lewin’s model has three major concepts: driving forces, restraining forces, and equilibrium. Driving forces are those that push in a direction and cause change to occur. They facilitate change because they push the person in a desired direction. They cause a shift in the equilibrium towards change. Restraining forces are those forces that counter the driving forces. They hinder change because they push the person in the opposite direction. They cause a shift in the equilibrium that opposes change. Equilibrium is a state of being where driving forces equal restraining forces, and no change occurs. It can be raised or lowered by changes that occur between the driving and restraining forces.[6],[7]

  • Step 1: Unfreeze the status quo. Unfreezing is the process of altering behavior to agitate the equilibrium of the current state. This step is necessary if resistance is to be overcome and conformity achieved. Unfreezing can be achieved by increasing the driving forces that direct behavior away from the existing situation or status quo while decreasing the restraining forces that negatively affect the movement from the existing equilibrium. Nurse leaders can initiate activities that can assist in the unfreezing step, such as motivating participants by preparing them for change, building trust and recognition for the need to change, and encouraging active participation in recognizing problems and brainstorming solutions within a group.[8]
  • Step 2: Change. Change is the process of moving to a new equilibrium. Nurse leaders can implement actions that assist in movement to a new equilibrium by persuading employees to agree that the status quo is not beneficial to them; encouraging them to view the problem from a fresh perspective; working together to search for new, relevant information; and connecting the views of the group to well-respected, powerful leaders who also support the change.[9]
  • Step 3: Refreeze. Refreezing refers to attaining equilibrium with the newly desired behaviors. This step must take place after the change has been implemented for it to be sustained over time. If this step does not occur, it is very likely the change will be short-lived and employees will revert to the old equilibrium. Refreezing integrates new values into community values and traditions. Nursing leaders can reinforce new patterns of behavior and institutionalize them by adopting new policies and procedures.[10]

Example Using Lewin’s Change Theory

A new nurse working in a rural medical-surgical unit identifies that bedside handoff reports are not currently being used during shift reports.

Step 1: Unfreeze: The new nurse recognizes a change is needed for improved patient safety and discusses the concern with the nurse manager. Current evidence-based practice is shared regarding bedside handoff reports between shifts for patient safety.[11] The nurse manager initiates activities such as scheduling unit meetings to discuss evidence-based practice and the need to incorporate bedside handoff reports.

Step 2: Change: The nurse manager gains support from the director of nursing to implement organizational change and plans staff education about bedside report checklists and the manner in which they are performed.

Step 3: Refreeze: The nurse manager adopts bedside handoff reports in a new unit policy and monitors staff for effectiveness.

Lippitt’s Seven-Step Change Theory

Lippitt’s Seven-Step Change Theory expands on Lewin’s change theory by focusing on the role of the change agent. A change agent is anyone who has the skill and power to stimulate, facilitate, and coordinate the change effort. Change agents can be internal, such as nurse managers or employees appointed to oversee the change process, or external, such as an outside consulting firm. External change agents are not bound by organizational culture, politics, or traditions, so they bring a different perspective to the situation and challenge the status quo. However, this can also be a disadvantage because external change agents lack an understanding of the agency’s history, operating procedures, and personnel.[12] The seven-step model includes the following steps[13]:

  • Step 1: Diagnose the problem. Examine possible consequences, determine who will be affected by the change, identify essential management personnel who will be responsible for fixing the problem, collect data from those who will be affected by the change, and ensure those affected by the change will be committed to its success.
  • Step 2: Evaluate motivation and capability for change. Identify financial and human resources capacity and organizational structure.
  • Step 3: Assess the change agent’s motivation and resources, experience, stamina, and dedication.
  • Step 4: Select progressive change objectives. Define the change process and develop action plans and accompanying strategies.
  • Step 5: Explain the role of the change agent to all employees and ensure the expectations are clear. 
  • Step 6: Maintain change. Facilitate feedback, enhance communication, and coordinate the effects of change.
  • Step 7: Gradually terminate the helping relationship of the change agent.

Example Using Lippitt’s Seven-Step Change Theory

Refer to the previous example of using Lewin’s change theory on a medical-surgical unit to implement bedside handoff reporting. The nurse manager expands on the Unfreeze-Change-Refreeze Model by implementing additional steps based on Lippitt’s Seven-Step Change Theory:

  • The nurse manager collects data from team members affected by the changes and ensures their commitment to success.
  • Early adopters are identified as change agents on the unit who are committed to improving patient safety by implementing evidence-based practices such as bedside handoff reporting.
  • Action plans (including staff education and mentoring), timelines, and expectations are clearly communicated to team members as progressive change objectives. Early adopters are trained as “super-users” to provide staff education and mentor other nurses in using bedside handoff checklists across all shifts.
  • The nurse manager facilitates feedback and encourages two-way communication about challenges as change is implemented on the unit. Positive reinforcement is provided as team members effectively incorporate change.
  • Bedside handoff reporting is implemented as a unit policy, and all team members are held accountable for performing accurate bedside handoff reporting.

Read more about additional change theories in the Current Theories of Change Management pdf.

Change Management

Change management is the process of making changes in a deliberate, planned, and systematic manner.[14] It is important for nurse leaders and nurse managers to remember a few key points about change management[15]:

  • Employees will react differently to change, no matter how important or advantageous the change is purported to be. Recognizing this variability is crucial for effectively managing the transition process.
  • Basic needs will influence reaction to change, such as the need to be part of the change process, the need to be able to express oneself openly and honestly, and the need to feel that one has some control over the impact of change. Ensuring these needs are met can significantly reduce resistance.
  • Change often results in a feeling of loss due to changes in established routines. Employees may react with shock, anger, and resistance, but ideally will eventually accept and adopt change. Acknowledging these feelings and providing support can facilitate smoother transitions.
  • Change must be managed realistically, without false hopes and expectations, yet with enthusiasm for the future. Employees should be provided information honestly and allowed to ask questions and express concerns. This transparency builds trust and helps in aligning everyone towards common goals.

Strategies for Effective Change Management

  • Engage Stakeholders Early: Involve key stakeholders in the planning stages of the change process. Their input can provide valuable insights and help in identifying potential challenges early on.
  • Communicate Clearly and Frequently: Clear and frequent communication is essential. Use multiple channels to disseminate information and ensure that the message is consistent and comprehensible to all staff members.
  • Provide Training and Resources: Equip employees with the necessary skills and resources to adapt to the change. This might include training sessions, informational materials, or access to support personnel.
  • Build a Supportive Culture: Create an environment where change is viewed positively. Encourage collaboration and create opportunities for employees to share their experiences and strategies for adapting to change.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Continuously monitor the progress of the change initiative and be prepared to make adjustments as needed. Solicit feedback from employees and be responsive to their concerns.

There are multiple strategies that can employed to overcome resistance to change. First, it is important to understand the underlying reasons for resistance. Resistance is commonly aligned to feelings of fear, lack of trust in leadership, or logistical concerns regarding workload, seniority, etc. To implement change effectively, a leader should empower staff by making sure they feel that their voice is respected and valued. When individuals feel valued and hear, they are more likely to support change, even if they do not personally agree with all elements associated with the change. Leaders also must understand that change is stressful for individuals. Depending on the significance of change, a leader may take actions to ensure that employee assistance programs, support groups, or additional counseling services or resources are available. These additional resources can be beneficial for individuals as they work through the emotions associated with the proposed change. Additionally, the benefits for any change should be clearly described. It is important to highlight how the proposed change will help improve work processes and patient care quality. It is also helpful to acknowledge and demonstrate appreciation for early adopters of the change. This can provide motivation and encouragement for others to follow suit and fosters a positive attitude toward future changes.

Media Attributions

  • Change-1080×675

  1. Ana, B. H., & Hendricks-Jackson, L. (2017). Nursing professional development review and resource manual (4th ed.). American Nurses Association, Nursing Knowledge Center. https://www.nursingworld.org/~49379b/globalassets/catalog/sample-chapters/npdsamplechapter.pdf
  2. Ana, B. H., & Hendricks-Jackson, L. (2017). Nursing professional development review and resource manual (4th ed.). American Nurses Association, Nursing Knowledge Center. https://www.nursingworld.org/~49379b/globalassets/catalog/sample-chapters/npdsamplechapter.pdf
  3. Ana, B. H., & Hendricks-Jackson, L. (2017). Nursing professional development review and resource manual (4th ed.). American Nurses Association, Nursing Knowledge Center. https://www.nursingworld.org/~49379b/globalassets/catalog/sample-chapters/npdsamplechapter.pdf
  4. Change-1080x675.jpg” by Amman Wahab Nizamani is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
  5. Ana, B. H., & Hendricks-Jackson, L. (2017). Nursing professional development review and resource manual (4th ed.). American Nurses Association, Nursing Knowledge Center. https://www.nursingworld.org/~49379b/globalassets/catalog/sample-chapters/npdsamplechapter.pdf
  6. Ana, B. H., & Hendricks-Jackson, L. (2017). Nursing professional development review and resource manual (4th ed.). American Nurses Association, Nursing Knowledge Center. https://www.nursingworld.org/~49379b/globalassets/catalog/sample-chapters/npdsamplechapter.pdf
  7. Nursing Theory. (n.d.). Lewin’s change theory. https://nursing-theory.org/theories-and-models/lewin-change-theory.php
  8. Kritsonis, A. (2005). Comparison of change theories. International Journal of Scholarly Academic Intellectual Diversity, 8(1). https://globalioc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Kritsonis-Alicia-Comparison-of-Change-Theories.pdf
  9. Kritsonis, A. (2005). Comparison of change theories. International Journal of Scholarly Academic Intellectual Diversity, 8(1). https://globalioc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Kritsonis-Alicia-Comparison-of-Change-Theories.pdf
  10. Kritsonis, A. (2005). Comparison of change theories. International Journal of Scholarly Academic Intellectual Diversity, 8(1). https://globalioc.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Kritsonis-Alicia-Comparison-of-Change-Theories.pdf
  11. AHRQ. (n.d.). Bedside shift report checklist. https://www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/engagingfamilies/strategy3/Strat3_Tool_2_Nurse_Chklst_508.pdf
  12. Lunenburg, F. C. (2010). Managing change: The role of the change agent. International Journal of Management, Business, and Administration, 13(1). https://naaee.org/sites/default/files/lunenburg_fred_c._managing_change_the_role_of_change_agent_ijmba_v13_n1_2010.pdf
  13. Ana, B. H., & Hendricks-Jackson, L. (2017). Nursing professional development review and resource manual (4th ed.). American Nurses Association, Nursing Knowledge Center. https://www.nursingworld.org/~49379b/globalassets/catalog/sample-chapters/npdsamplechapter.pdf
  14. Ana, B. H., & Hendricks-Jackson, L. (2017). Nursing professional development review and resource manual (4th ed.). American Nurses Association, Nursing Knowledge Center. https://www.nursingworld.org/~49379b/globalassets/catalog/sample-chapters/npdsamplechapter.pdf
  15. Ana, B. H., & Hendricks-Jackson, L. (2017). Nursing professional development review and resource manual (4th ed.). American Nurses Association, Nursing Knowledge Center. https://www.nursingworld.org/~49379b/globalassets/catalog/sample-chapters/npdsamplechapter.pdf

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8. Implementing Change Copyright © by Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN) and Amy Ertwine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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