Checklist for Obtaining a Urine Specimen from a Foley Catheter

Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN)

Use the checklist below to review the steps for completion of “Obtaining a Urine Specimen from a Foley Catheter.”

View an instructor demonstration of Obtaining a Urine Specimen from a Foley Catheter[1]:


Disclaimer: Always review and follow agency policy regarding this specific skill.

  1. Gather supplies: peri-care supplies, nonsterile gloves, Luer-lock syringe (or other syringe specified within collection kit) for sterile specimen, alcohol wipes/scrub hubs, two preprinted patient labels, clear biohazard bag for lab sample, and urinary graduated cylinder.
  2. Perform safety steps:
    • Perform hand hygiene.
    • Check the room for transmission-based precautions.
    • Introduce yourself, your role, the purpose of your visit, and an estimate of the time it will take.
    • Confirm patient ID using two patient identifiers (e.g., name and date of birth).
    • Explain the process to the patient.
    • Be organized and systematic.
    • Use appropriate listening and questioning skills.
    • Listen and attend to patient cues.
    • Ensure the patient’s privacy and dignity.
    • Assess ABCs.
  3. Verify the order and assemble the supplies on a protective drape on the table: gloves, Luer-lock syringe, alcohol swabs, sterile container, two preprinted patient labels, and clear lab specimen biohazard bag for transport to lab.
  4. Perform hand hygiene and put on nonsterile gloves.
  5. Check for urine in the tubing and position the tubing on the bed.
  6. If additional urine is needed, clamp the tubing below the port for 10-15 minutes or until urine appears.
  7. Clean the sample port of the catheter with an alcohol swab.
  8. Attach the Luer-lock syringe to the sample port of the catheter and withdraw 10-30 mL of urine; remove the syringe and unclamp the tubing.
  9. Open the lid of the sterile container, inverting the lid on the drape and maintaining sterility. Transfer the urine to the sterile container, preventing touching the syringe to the container. Place the syringe on the drape, close the lid tightly, and clean the outside of the container with germicidal wipes.
  10. Remove gloves and perform hand hygiene.
  11. Add information to the preprinted label: date, time collected, and your initials. Apply gloves. Place the label on the specimen container and put the container inside the biohazard bag. Remove gloves and wash your hands. Place the second label outside of the bag. Transport to the lab immediately.
  12. Assist the patient to a comfortable position, ask if they have any questions, and thank them for their time.
  13. Ensure safety measures when leaving the room:
    • CALL LIGHT: Within reach
    • BED: Low and locked (in lowest position and brakes on)
    • SIDE RAILS: Secured
    • TABLE: Within reach
    • ROOM: Risk-free for falls (scan room and clear any obstacles)
  14. Perform hand hygiene.
  15. Document the procedure and related assessment findings. Report any concerns according to agency policy.

  1. Open RN Project. (2021, November 11). Obtaining a urine specimen from a Foley catheter [Video]. YouTube. Video licensed under CC-BY-4.0.

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Checklist for Obtaining a Urine Specimen from a Foley Catheter Copyright © by Open Resources for Nursing (Open RN) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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